A downloadable game for Windows

“Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by the forces impressed.”

Painovioma kentässä lentäminen eroaa Newtonin I liikelain 


Launch all your missiles at once and watch them miss. After that crash your spaceship with fullspeed to a planet in motion defined by Newton's first law of motion. In this fast paced physics inspired game one round lasts under a minute, but surviving the minute is still a challenge.

Tukee hiiren, näppäimistön ja ohjaimen käyttöä.

Updated 21 days ago
Made withMonoGame
Tags2D, Arcade, Singleplayer, Space, Space Sim
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Xbox controller
AccessibilityConfigurable controls


Ratas.zip 8.5 MB

Install instructions

  1.  Extract zip file / Pura zip tiedosto.
  2. Run Ratas(.exe) file from the extracted zip file / Suorita Ratas(.exe) tiedosto puretusta zip tiedostosta.
  3. If  Windows Defender SmartScreen window pops up, click "More info" and then "Run anyway" / Jos Windows Defenderin SmartScreen ponnahdusikkuna ilmestyy, paina "Lisätietoja" ja sitten "Suorita joka tapauksessa"

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